
So much has changed again. I have a new home. Starting a new Bible Study tonight which I am really excited for!
Just all seems so strange to have new things happening again.
Joel is doing a medical study starting next weekend for the next 4 weekends! Which means very limited time with my Joely. Also means Jenny will be feeling lonely and sad without quality time with her bestest friend. It's all for good reasons. He will reap many benefits for participating in the study so in the end it should all work out just great.
This Saturday we are planning on having a wonderful full day date. Saturday late morning/early afternoon we are planning to go to an apple orchard. I love FALL!! Then hopefully a Saturday cat nap followed with some afternoon apple crisp.
I work from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for Showcase of Talent so we will have a small break.
Then it's off to Chipotle for some late dinner before we head to a movie!
I am beyond excited. More than many things in this world I love time with my Joely. We don't do formalized dates very often, in order to save on money, so this is a special treat.
I realized the other day I still have pictures on my camera from the summer...here are some of them.