Ever have those times when you have no idea what you should do?
When have you had those times in your life? What did you do about it?
I have been in this time for awhile and am not sure what to do. As much as I would LOVE to spill my guts with all the details of what I'm debating among. I probably shouldn't as it will just get me in trouble and lead to more speculation than I would like.
What's coming up next in life that I do know of...
Joel and I are moving. I know you think I'm probably a moving addict and should have me checked into a treatment center but I promise I'm really not a moving addict. This move is to a smaller apartment (smaller, I know right?!) but it's going to be a great move. For the following reasons...
1. We are still within the same rental property. We love the people who own the company. They do a good job.
2. We are moving to a 1 bedroom out of our 2 bedroom because the 2 bedroom just equals more junk!
3. We are paying a significant less amount in rent per month. A-men! Thank You Dave Ramsey for that one.
4. We are moving to the first floor instead of the current third floor. Most people may think that we have the ability to be robbed, murdered or violated much more easily now BUT I promise we'll lock the doors just like we did before. Blessing of first floor is not having me carry loads of groceries up 6 flights of stairs. Wind exhaustion anyone? Yes mam! And my husband and I like to work out, jumping jacks, etc. and would love to not disturb the neighbors. I'm not bragging (well maybe I am) but my husband is a pretty tall man! It's not exactly easy for him to be quiet when he jumps.
What else is new in the life of us?
In approximately 21 days we leave for Montana! I know, right?! I have never been to Montana but I feel as though my heart is leading me home just at the thought of going there. I truly long for quiet, still, calm life. No, I don't believe that it's good to be a hermit and not have social skills but there is something about my soul and stillness that belong together. This city life is not cut out for this country girl. I love my stores and shopping but get me away from all these people. I am overjoyed at what God will show us in the Big Sky country. I'm thankful that we have the opportunity to go!
What trips are you taking this summer?