Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Baby, when it's cold outside...

I like to...

- light apple cider candles
- watch movies (oh wait I always like to do that)
[**most recent favorite movie: New In Town]
- be under just the right amount of blankets so that I'm cozy but not hot
- eat warm gooey chocolate chip cookies
- drink some delicious hot tea
- listen to the wind blow (I love the sound of wind, not so much the feeling of it)

What do you love when it's cold outside? Because let's face in MN we are just going to keep getting colder. Time to start enjoying the loves of winter time! There has got to be some otherwise why would you live here?

P.S.- I've been MIA in posting new pics lately because I'm working on my website! This week I'll be submitting my business name to the Secretary of State to become an official MN business...stay tuned!

**New In Town is a hilarious movie that takes place in MN. They completely make fun of MN accents and MN people but in such a funny light-hearted way. I crack up every time I watch it! If you've never seen it, add it to your Girls Night Netflix list.

Stay cozy,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ramblings of a Lonely Cook

My husband has worked over 40 hours in the last 3 days so needless to say I MISS HIM! Despite my lonely for Joely heart I've been keeping myself busy in my kitchen...

I love spending time in my little but oh so fun kitchen. It might just be my favorite room in our place.

What's your favorite room to spend time in?

I also have wanted to share a fun project I worked on last week! For over a year I have been looking for a King size headboard for our bed. We are on a restricted budget and I just don't want to spend a lot on something that I know I'll want to change later.

So...I purchased fabric and padding months ago but had waited for the perfect framing to use for the headboard. While at the thrift store with my sister a few weekends ago I found the most hideous covered headboard frame that someone had made. There was no price on it so I asked and he wrote $2.95. Perfect! That's doable with my budget ;-)

My sister and I took it home and ripped off all the ugly fabric.

Spent an hour trying to figure out the staple gun. (Stupid directions that were written wrong!) The next day after church I went and asked the Hank Hardware man what the deal was with the staple gun...he showed me the error of the directions ways and I was ready to create my new headboard.

Here is my finished product! All for about $17 total.

Those are projects that I LOVE.

What projects are you proud of?

Oops gotta go stir my potatoes and check the chicken!

Take time to rest today,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stella Blue Sisters

My sister and I had a fabulous weekend together! We thrifted, ate good food, laughed, gabbed, crafted, snazzed up, and headed out to Grand are some shots of the fun we had...

Do you have a sister that you love to spend quality time with? What do you like to do together?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My hubs big news...

Well now that I've made you wait long enough I can spill the big beans on my hubs good news!

First let me give you some background so this will make sense:

1. He works for Continental Airlines

2. His job consists of loading, unloading planes, directing planes in once they've landed, pushing the planes out with the tug (because planes can't drive in reverse), cleaning out the lavs (meaning cleaning out every body's potty from the plane), and so much more

3. Please do not comment the following comment "Oh so your husband is the guy throwing my bag around outside the plane" No dear people who think that's all that happens at an airport... my husband actually respects people's property and does not throw the bags around, and he does much more than just that. He also provides great comfort and safety to your flight in more ways than you know. Think I've heard that comment enough to create an entire speech?? Whew...that was exhausting. (I deleted some other things I wanted to say that's why it was so exhausting)

Takes drink of water

Okay on to what I was saying...

4. I don't intend to make you feel bad if you thought that about what he does, I'm just passionate about the hard work my strong, loving husband does in order to support us and I get a little defensive. So sorry about that...

5. Mr. Koop (that's my hubs) for the last 3 years at his job has been considered a "part time" employee (so he does not get benefits, and he has to pick up shifts in order to have "full time" hours)

Now that I've provided some context and ranted a is the Big News!

He got promoted to a Lead!

Which means...

He gets a raise (and when does that happen in this economy?! Thank You, Lord!)
He will be scheduled for "full time" hours
He will be a leader at work (he's a natural leader, designed that way, and trained through growing up and living with 5 sisters, bless their hearts!)
He will get the option to enroll in benefits
He is affirmed that his hard work has paid off

That's the big news, folks! Three cheers to my man

Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray

Love you Mr.Koop with all my heart

Thank You for working so hard.
your Sassy Wife

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lunch breaks are great!

Typically I'm not very good at taking a lunch break...okay almost always. My husband gets really upset with me because he knows it's good for me to get up and out of the office. I just get stuck in a groove and don't want to move. It's terrible for my circulation and health... I'm getting better. My friend Jen at work helps a ton, she gets me movin'.

Last Friday was the beginning of Homecoming and the office was a little brain was really tired and I just really wanted some Dr. Pepper and fresh air. I took a half hour break to drive over to my ever trusted (and cheap) SuperAmerica and got myself a big, icy, refreshing, Dr. Pepper! Then I decided to stop alongside the road to take some pics of this amazing tree...

It was so beautiful...

By the time I got back to work I felt like a new person! It's amazing what listening to your husband can do...

What does your husband, roommate, parent, or best friend tell you to do that you know you probably should?

Take time for "brain" rest. It makes things SO much better!

Oh, and remember how I'm supposed to tell you my husbands exciting news? Well I can't yet, haven't gotten the all clear from him. Some things have to fall into place and then I'll call for a pow-wow and let you know what's going on.

Peace Out Friends,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Breath of fresh air

Tonight while dinner was cooking and I was waiting for my hard working man to get home I decided to take a walk with my camera (Big Shooter) to see what I might find. My creative juices were flowing and my excitement was sky high because tonight was beautiful! I was blessed to take a quiet walk through the neighborhood. I took around 200 pictures so I will give you a sneek peek each post for the next few posts.

Can you feel the warmth of the sun?

Or the cool breeze?

Absolute love!

P.S.- My husband called while I was out and delivered some amazing news but more on that later!

P.S.S.-Oh and I have pics from my lunchtime drive on Friday that I have to share too! Yay!