A) My life is not as crazy as Jenny's
B) My life is way worse than Jenny's so she can just shut up
C) Thank the Lord someone didn't say that to me or I'd be in jail right now for punching them in the face
D) Life sucks sometimes and I totally relate
E) All of the above (depending on the day or mood)
Details you need to be aware of before I share the top crazy things of the week
1 - my husband was in Florida visiting one of his sisters and mom
2 - it's freezing here because winter has arrived
3 - I have gained an amount of weight over the last few years that I'm not proud of but I'm working on it
4- I have to share all of my news/things of the day with my husband on a daily basis or I explode (I've tried to not do it but one of my Top 5 Strengths is Communication plus it's the area of study of my Bachelor's degree so it's just gonna be this way)
Crazy Day #1 -
Monday I had a great conversation with a friend about some future endeavors and was brave enough to bring it up to my boss. Which is not typical behavior for me at all. Totally awesome, Jenny was excited! However due to my husband being gone I didn't have the time to share this excitement with him. I got over it and saved my excitement to share with him when he was back home a few days later.
I went to the Thrifstore that night. Tried on a pair of khaki pants and find $40 cash in the pocket of the pants! Well I buy the pants because they fit and they are my new lucky pants!!
Crazy Day #2--
Tuesday morning I'm getting in our Trailblazer to head off to work. I get in, put the key in and turn the ignition and nothing. I know your thinking...oh her battery died. No friends, that's not it. My key got stuck in the ignition and would not come out. My doors were locked and I could NOT unlock them. My windows were up and I could not move them down. I could not turn on my lights. I could not push on the break peddle. Absolutely nothing! Blaze as we call him, went into lock down mode and I was inside. Laughter was my reaction (which is not typical but I went with it!). Since I was locked inside my non-running, unable to do anything vehicle I decided to call my dad since my husband is in Florida and can't help me. Dad gives me a bunch of things to try and nothing. So he gives me the number for Jason who is awesome at fixing anything with a motor or fixing anything in general. Jason gives me some ideas, tips, suggestions. I call my good friends at work Jen and Tim to come help me out. They drive over to see what they can do to help. (Keep in mind that in the back of my mind I am thinking about the loads of work I should be doing and that the apartment parking lot is supposed to be plowed at noon so if I don't get Blaze moved and moved soon, they are going to move him for me and I get to pay for it)
Tim gets Blaze running right away. It was a bad connection to the battery. All is well but I decide it's a good idea to bring Blaze in to get him checked out since it was such a random strange occurrence. We drop Blaze off.
Later in Crazy Day #2-
Justin from the car place says "Yeah it's your differentials that need to be fixed that will be $1,900 dollars" Yes folks I wrote $1,900 not $19.00 "Ummm yeah I'm gonna have to ask you to let me think about that" Not going to get that done through them. Not pocket book possible. Not even credit card possible since we don't have any. Sorry!
Crazy Day #3-
This is the day my husband is arriving back home but won't return until 10:00 pm or later so I'm still trying to trudge through this vehicle thing. Blaze is done at the car place so Jen brings me to pick him up. Very nice car wash and cleaning of break lines for $140. Yeah, that's awesome.
I'm wearing my "new" lucky pants.
I have a ton of work to hurry and get done because I'm starting Strength Finder Leadership training at noon until 5:00 pm and then ALL day Thursday (today). So I get all my work done and head off to training that I'm really excited for!
We have a big group of people and lots of discussion going on. The leader of the training has us do these activities with other people. I'm participating in a one on one activity with another lady from work (but she works in anothe department). After we finish our task that was given by the leader, she asks me a question... but the room was loud so I didn't quite hear her. I asked her to repeat herself and I thought she asked "What do you do?" meaning what is my job on campus but this woman knows who I am and what I do for a job. Why is she asking me this? So she repeats it again
"When are you due?"
I'm not. Like really not. Like not pregnant not. Like you just asked me when my fat belly is going to deliver but all that's in there is my lunch digesting, not.
She felt terrible. I tried my best to act like it was no big deal. She made a bunch of excuses and we walked our separate ways. It REALLY hurt. Hurt in a way that I have not felt hurt before. It was as if my secret of trying to hide my weight gain had been exposed to the entire world. It was painful.
Still had 2 hours of the class left so I picked up my broken self and went on the with the training. Once we got out of there I ran to my broken Blaze, plopped myself in and cried until my face hurt. It was awesome. (Please note exaggeration is one of my Top 5 Strengths as well. Oh wait...that's not a strength. Should be.)
That night my husband came home from Florida and I don't think I have ever been more relieved, at peace, blessed to see someone ever before in my life. I could put my boxing gloves down that I had been wearing in the ring alone thus far in the week and let someone take care of my broken, pudgy, self. That's what loving someone is about. Picking them up when they are like those little itty bitty beads on a necklace and it snaps onto the floor in Wal*Mart. It's awesome. (for real this time)
Thank You my husband for being my best friend and loving me no matter what. I cherish you.
So friends, that was the crazy parts of my week. There were a few more things that added to the dynamic but that was the gist of it. Amongst all those things were HUGE amazing blessings this week! It was incredible. I am very thankful for my family, for my husband, for my co-workers Tim and Jen, for Strength Finders, for my pastor, his wife (our dear friends), for my sister-in-law Liz that always "gets it", for vehicles, for lucky pants, for conversations and for life. For crazy stories.
All that to say I am making my photo of me for the Day 5 challenge be of when I was a little girl. This is my mama's favorite picture of me.

I like this picture especially on a week like this to remind me of who I really am as a whole. Not just a crazy wife with a broken vehicle, lucky pants and pregnant looking stomach but as a daughter of Christ, a woman who has grown, a girl that still longs to be loved, a daughter of a wonderful woman and mother that I cherish, a sister, friend and person with potential for growth.
I hope you remember who you are through the craziness of life, because it's hard. Sometimes "crazy" hard.
1 comment:
You my friend are crazy awesome! Love You!
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