Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Today I felt inspired, liberated, creative, and alive!


Because of...

Curves (just started yesterday again after 2+ years) It's been the most effective thing for me in stabalizing my energy, weight and health since being in High School sports. With the encouragement of my husband...I decided to give it a go! So far...LOVE it.

Jessica Amber (this beautiful LaDY)

has been in my life since I was in the 3rd GRADE. She has made flower soup, drank Tahitian Treat, bought lots of cookie dough ice cream, watched Forrest Gump (many a times), made fun of my dad, laughed till she's cried, fallen on her knees, let me cry on her shoulder, told me to get in line when I was out of it, all these things and so much more...for me. Lil' ole me...this lady of true beauty, in and out has been a constant throughout a lot of different things in life. Always a TRUE friend. I hope everyone has someone like Jess in their life. She's irreplacable. Absolutely irreplacable. Love you Bubba!

I painted a cork board, a mirror, and a picture frame (from Mama Kristi). Painting always does something amazing to my senses of creativity and imagination.
I keep thinking of how can I sell my pictures (the scenery, artsy, pictures I take)
How was your day? Any inspiration?

1 comment:

Jess said...

I am honored! I also hope that you know I feel the same way about my purple legging wearing, unicorn clubbing, pick-me up receiving friend as well! : )