Wednesday, March 30, 2011

20 Years!

Look at these cuties! 
My mom & dad (stepdad) have been married for 20 years this April! 
They've put up with me the entire time :-)  I'm really happy for them as they celebrate 20 years married. 
I love you, Mom & Dad!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lisa Leonard Rocks!

She is having a giveaway today if you post a comment on her blog...

check out what she's giving away!

It's beautiful.


In our home the word (Deli-cious) is used not only to describe food (actually it's barely used to describe food but more so everyday activities.  Let me give you some examples:

My husband asks me "Honey, how was the movie with your friend?" My reply: "Delicious!"

"Joely, how was your shower?" his response (mostly trying to be funny like me) "Delicious"

In my defintion it means : excellent, wonderful, super fun, great

Today I am sitting thinking of the word delicious as I dream of being in the rays of the Houston, Texas sun. You see it's March and we were just dumped on last night with more snow (frozen kill your mood water)!
Where would I rather be?

In a delicious place like Texas.

How about you?

Saddle up Partner!  We are headed to sunshine!

Monday, March 14, 2011

This Is What It Feels Like

I feel normal "new normal" again. My energy is slowly coming back and periods between feeling sick are becoming more spread out. Whoever would have thought having a human baby growing inside you would take so much work. I didn't but know I get it.

I haven't posted in so long I don't even know what to say.

How about...

Hello Friends! It's been awhile. How are you?

Looking forward to spring, anyone? I am. Melt Minnesota snow, melt.

Come on tree buds, green grass, warm breezes, fresh fruit, and sitting in lawn chairs outside. feel the sun on my face. What a blessing we don't even realize we have until it hides it's face for 5+ months during the

Stay strong, Spring is near.