Monday, April 11, 2011

Life Changes

Have you ever been smacked in the face with realization that your life has changed and you didn't even realize it? 
Our lives are changing everyday in all honesty.  Even though we get dressed the same way.  Have you ever tried switching up how you get dressed in the morning or even paid attention to how you do it? 

Pants on first?  Socks and undies?  Try doing it in a different order.  Your life has changed

But what about those times when your life really changes?  When you realize your daily thoughts, schedule, patterns are going to change because....

Big change I'm thinking about right now:  Baby Koop.

I feel completely at peace that I'll loose my mind, sleep, sanity, etc. but slowly it will come back.  Or my life will change and I'll find all new ways of doing those things. 

Where I feel fear is when the moments of feeling lost and alone like so many other mom's who's lives have changed beyond how they thought their life would change.  Does that make sense?

Like this precious mother... 

Or this one that I look up to in many ways:

Or this one:

Am I saying that I am scared of something bad happening?  Aren't we all? Yes.  BUT I'm more afraid that God knows my heart and what I'm capable of so he'll give me something more than I can imagine.  Do you think that's what it means to fear the Lord?  I think it fear how well He knows us, to know what we need when we need it, and how.  That can be scary sometimes.  It is the most wonderful fear in all the world.

Something bad happening doesn't mean - awful, terrible, shouldn't have happened - bad means we didn't expect it, it's hard and we don't know what to do with it.

Why ramble on about life changes?  Because we are all in them, all the time.  I need your help.  What are your life changes that are kickin' your butt or rockin' your world?  Life changes are hard and the friends above who found incredible hope through hard situations.  Who I'm sure would not change any of it for what they have now. 

I don't want you to think I'm depressed or freaking out or "oh it'll all be fine" comments because I'm not worried, I'm curious of what God has in store.  More so for how it's going to kick my butt and rock my world.  I want you to be real.  What is stinkin' hard or rockin' awesome about what you are going through right now?  We can find hope in one another.  Even if everything is fine.  

P.S.- not that I ever do what people suggest but I would like your thoughts...or how did you decide?

My husband and I want to find out if we are having a boy or girl.  We plan to in 2 weeks.  Some of our family members do not want to know.  How in the world do we go about knowing and not having those family members not find out?  Do we just keep it a secret to ourselves? 

What would you do

Have a great week!  It's my Joely's birthday tomorrow!  Hello TWINS GAME!

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Thanks for the post. I think we all wonder about those same things when we are pregnant.
As for the gender...if you want to shout it, then tell. :-) If you want gender specific clothing and stuff for the room...well then you don't have an option but to spill the beans! :-) Hey then you aren't telling them...they found out by looking at your registry. LOL!
Or it could be a fun secret between you and the hubby. :-) That might be fun too.
We told right away with the first baby since we wanted to know what stuff we needed. We wanted the boy stuff. I'm not sure with this one.