Thursday, February 11, 2010

Confusion, Excitement, & Normal

Highlights of THIS Week so Far:
(good and bad in no particular order)
#1 Super Bowl on Sunday (got to see dear friends and hold ever so cuddly baby Caleb)

#2 Have had no evening plans any day this week (it's been so refreshing to have a week off of activities)

#3 My dad called me and I'm pretty sure he was toasted (not as in a toaster caught him on fire) as in toasted. Something was strange...called to say nothing (as in silence) and to ask me in 5 million ways if I was crabby, annoyed with work, mad at my husband to which I replied NO to all of the above because I was perfectly fine. That is until he drove me crazy and creeped me out! I do not understand any of that.
#4 Had a difficult but good conversation with my husband about a relationship we have with other people. Was freeing yet frustrating. I appreciate his honesty and listening to me.

#5 Went on an unexpected date with my husband to the movie Edge of Darkness. Incredible good and scary all at the same time. See it!

#6 We had Chipotle after that! Mmmm...

#7 Work is still awkward but improving from such unfortanete events recently
(This feels so full of yuck)
#8 We're attempting to go to Florida in the AM (flights are overbooked everywhere so our chances are slim) We'll see where we end up?!
#9 I finished my resume...I have a few things that are bothering me that I want to change otherwise I'm really happy with it!
#10 Still longing to know what's next in life...
#11 Joel takes his CPR written and hands on test today! Pray for him. We're really hoping this will open doors for him to work in a fire hall (something he really wants to do!) Anyone have connections to a MN firefighter, hall?...We would love that!
#12 I started a video of my sister Liz last night (her baby, growing up, to now pictures) with transitions and music. I LOVE IT! It was the first time I've ever attempted anything like that and it was WAY easy thus far. (Reason for video-she's graduating from HS this spring/summer) Wanted to give her something fun!
#13 I got a new purse/bag for $10 and I'm waiting till our trip tomorrow to use it! (very excited about that)
#14 Love reading the new blogs I've fallen upon
#15 Appreciated my phone call with mama this week where she gave great wisdom

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