Thursday, July 24, 2008

Customer Service

I am not cut out for this...whole customer service thing. Sometimes I really wonder what in the world am I doing working at a job that's primary skill is customer service when I stink at it! I really do...people can be so rude, awkward, loud, mean, hyper, talkative and I can't handle it. I get so tense talking to people on the makes me really cranky, grit my teeth, stomach churning, I become feeling shy. I don't think customer service is my fortay...but I'm also not sure what is?

A word to those ordering any sort of service of nice to the person on the other end of the phone. If you don't like talking to them...they are not going to like talking to you. I have had very few great experiences on the phone at work. Some people (usually always women) have asked if they could pray for me by name...and asked for my name. I've had some people pray for me right there over the phone. Others have said that I do a great job and appreciate what I do. It makes the biggest difference!

I guess that's why we can't put our feelings and faith in other people...they will let us down. God calls us to be servants even to complete strangers....that is really HARD. I need His help.

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