Friday, October 2, 2009

Gamma Bird

This is my grandma. (my mom's mom) When I was a kid I would call her "Gamma Bird" because her last name was Berg. It isn't Berg anymore so I can't call her that. Makes me sad because I oh so loved calling my grandma "Gamma Bird" she always will be to me. My grandma and I would bake cookies together, make hats out of paper sandwhich bags, visit my great-grandma, great-grandparents, play outside, play with dollies, dress up, sow, do chores, go shopping. Gamma Bird taught me how to dance cheek to cheek, be silly, ride a bike, brush my teeth, play games and always have fun. I think that I learned to have a sense of humor from her. I never realized that until now but I think it's true. She was and is the funniest person I knew when I was a kid! This picture shows so much to me of our relationship. When this picture was taken she said something to the effect of "You're married! AAAAHHH!" and then we both laughed our big loud laughs.
I love you Gamma Bird.

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