Sunday, October 25, 2009

What a day...

All weekend I had been so anxious about how in the world I was going to fit 18 people into our apartment for a Parent Kickoff Shower Joel and I were throwing for Christa & Matt. Little did I know God had much better things to worry about than my spacial issue. I decided to go to the early service for Church so I could come home and cook the rest of the food for the party. On my way home from church Matt was calling me so I answered. He proceeded to tell me that Christa fainted in church and she was being taken by ambulance to the hospital. They didn't think it would be much wrong but wanted to make sure. Christa on the way to the hospital blacked out again and threw up. Poor friend! Later Matt called and said Christa is well and baby is well. They are not sure exactly what is wrong so she's on bed rest until she sees her doctor tomorrow! My heart was in my stomach worrying so much about Christa and baby VanZee. The Lord knows what exactly is going on...I pray that He shows light onto any dangers.

What a day our friends had! I hope they are all resting tonight and finding peace in that tomorrow will be a new day and hopefully will receive some answers.

We had a few friends come eat some of the grub so that was good! Tuesday, Joel and I will bring Christa & Matt some dinner and dessert as we have lots of it :-)

I'm off to start homework...tomorrow begins the 2 class stretch for the next 6 weeks! I am oh so nervous for many reasons but I know it will only last for awhile. My patience, energy, and attitude will be tested but I pray for the Lords endurance and help to lean on Him through it all.

I did something strange with our computer today and LOST....ALL of our pictures that we have taken for the last 6-12 months. Including our honeymoon pictures, wedding pictures, and other fun adventures along the way. It looks as though they are permanently gone. I know I can get the wedding one's but not sure about the honeymoon. To me that is a huge LOSS! Pictures are marks of my memories. I LOVE to have them! Please computer, please give me my pictures back!

Anyone know how to get your documents, pictures, music back after a system failure? We have all our programs installed still but the other things are gone! Any advice and I'll take it...

1 comment:

Jess said...

Oh Jen-I am so sorry to hear about Matt and Crista! I hope everything turns out OK! AAhhhh... your pictures! NOOOOOOO! : (

I am so sorry Gump!