Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My hubs big news...

Well now that I've made you wait long enough I can spill the big beans on my hubs good news!

First let me give you some background so this will make sense:

1. He works for Continental Airlines

2. His job consists of loading, unloading planes, directing planes in once they've landed, pushing the planes out with the tug (because planes can't drive in reverse), cleaning out the lavs (meaning cleaning out every body's potty from the plane), and so much more

3. Please do not comment the following comment "Oh so your husband is the guy throwing my bag around outside the plane" No dear people who think that's all that happens at an airport... my husband actually respects people's property and does not throw the bags around, and he does much more than just that. He also provides great comfort and safety to your flight in more ways than you know. Think I've heard that comment enough to create an entire speech?? Whew...that was exhausting. (I deleted some other things I wanted to say that's why it was so exhausting)

Takes drink of water

Okay on to what I was saying...

4. I don't intend to make you feel bad if you thought that about what he does, I'm just passionate about the hard work my strong, loving husband does in order to support us and I get a little defensive. So sorry about that...

5. Mr. Koop (that's my hubs) for the last 3 years at his job has been considered a "part time" employee (so he does not get benefits, and he has to pick up shifts in order to have "full time" hours)

Now that I've provided some context and ranted a is the Big News!

He got promoted to a Lead!

Which means...

He gets a raise (and when does that happen in this economy?! Thank You, Lord!)
He will be scheduled for "full time" hours
He will be a leader at work (he's a natural leader, designed that way, and trained through growing up and living with 5 sisters, bless their hearts!)
He will get the option to enroll in benefits
He is affirmed that his hard work has paid off

That's the big news, folks! Three cheers to my man

Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray

Love you Mr.Koop with all my heart

Thank You for working so hard.
your Sassy Wife

1 comment:

Joel said...

Thank you dear. That was a very sweet and complimentary post. I appreciate you drawing it out as long as possible. No sense in giving it all away right away. I love you!

Joely aka Mr. Koop